Review Queue: Should We Start Reviews Again?
Johannes Pfau
nospam at
Sun Jul 29 02:47:15 PDT 2012
Am Sat, 28 Jul 2012 18:09:11 -0700
schrieb Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at>:
> On Saturday, July 28, 2012 17:53:21 Adam Wilson wrote:
> > Doesn't std.hash need to be reviewed?
> Yes, and quite recently, it's author was looking to get it reviewed,
> but I don't think that he's ever actually asked for someone to be in
> charge of the review, and no one has stepped up to do that. I kept
> intending to post about it to see if we could get someone to
> volunteer and get the ball rolling, but I've never gotten around to
> it.
> - Jonathan M Davis
I asked ~ two weeks ago if any other project was ready for review as I
didn't want to cut in line. As nothing else seemed ready for review I
wanted to post a request asking for a review manager, but I've been busy
since then.
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned we could start the std.hash review as
soon as a review manager has been found. Here's a short description:
std.hash.hash is a new module for Phobos attempting to provide a
uniform interface for hashes and checksums. It also provides some
useful helper functions to deal with this new API.
The std.hash package also includes a md5 implementation deprecating
std.md5 (in, adapted from std.md5), a new SHA1
implementation by redstar (in std.hash.sha) and a CRC32 implementation
(in std.hash.crc) based on and deprecating the crc32 module that's
shipped with phobos but not documented.
It only covers hashes which can process data incrementally (in
smaller buffers as opposed to all data at once).
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