Incomprehensible compiler errors
stugol at
Tue Jul 31 10:16:53 PDT 2012
On Tuesday, 31 July 2012 at 09:26:42 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
> You're expecting the same diversity and quality of the
> toolchain of a small, relatively new (D2 is from 2007)
> programming language as you do from giants like C++ and .NET
> languages. This is unreasonable.
You have a point, and I have no business complaining about the
inadequacies of a free project. But nevertheless, it's
discouraging to try out a new language (D, Nemerle, Cobra, etc
etc) only to find that I can't actually write any programs in it.
By which I mean there is no way to create a GUI short of using
the API directly. Try getting a bunch of controls to resize when
you maximise their parent window - in .NET, this is trivial. If
DFL worked, it would still be trivial. In D (or any other
language with no decent tools) it's mind-bogglingly difficult.
I'm really impressed with D, and was planning to start writing an
application in it yesterday. And all I got was obscure compiler
errors and a non-functional DFL. So I was a little disappointed.
> As for VisualD, a lot of people - including myself - use it
> without issue. It has never crashed for me. I recommend you
> report your problem to the developer, or join development
> yourself. If you just want a stable production environment,
> start by disabling the clearly marked *experimental*
> auto-complete feature if you have it enabled.
It was disabled until very recently, when I was advised to enable
it. The crash - which I have already reported - occurs when
opening the solution. Any D solution. Every time. When
double-clicking the .sln file in Explorer (or using Win7 jump
> Your swipes at Linux are ignorant and non-constructive.
Ignorant? I'm no expert, certainly, but ignorant? Hardly. I've
used Linux. For example, I ran it on my server machine for a
year. And one thing I learnt was that, until you start getting
Linux driver discs when you buy hardware, it's useless. Who wants
an operating system that doesn't work until you post on forums,
hack config files, and recompile the kernel? No thank you.
> Besides, D has its roots on Windows, it's not "designed for
> Linux" in any way.
I was talking about the general mindset. The mindset behind DFL,
to be specific. The mindset of: "Don't give 'em an exe - give 'em
source, an obscure makefile, and undocumented dependencies. Let
them WORK for it." That's the Linux mentality, and it drives me
up the wall.
I never said D was crap. I said its tools don't work. I was
disappointed that I couldn't use D to write an application. Does
that sound like someone who doesn't like the language?
> Your issues with compiling DFL are rooted completely in your
> own ignorance of the C/C++/D compilation model.
Er, no. Before I used .NET, I used C++ almost exclusively for a
number of years. I'm a little out of practice, but I understand
the general principles involved. How about you stop making all
these assumptions about my ignorance?
> You have a lot to learn and you should know that by now.
Oh, now, that's going too far. Do you think I'm some kind of
programming newbie? A college student, perhaps? I have a BSc in
Software Engineering, and I've been coding for 16 years. So let's
have less of the condescension, hmm?
> Maybe tone down the aggressiveness a little; you've been
> generating a lot of noise lately.
Lately? I've only recently discovered D. What are you comparing
my current noise level to? Besides, most of my posts have been
constructive, to my mind. Granted, I got a bit frustrated
yesterday, but so what?
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