Incomprehensible compiler errors

Stuart stugol at
Tue Jul 31 11:19:17 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 31 July 2012 at 00:30:50 UTC, Bernard Helyer wrote:
> Oh, and if there are complaints of LoadLibraryA or whatever not 
> being nothrow, remove any trace of nothrow from those modules.

Yeah, that didn't work.

bash.exe"-3.1$ dmd -lib -ofdfl *.d internal/*.d -I..
DFL: is deprecated, please import; is provided
for compatibility only
folderdialog.d(33): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(& fbdHookProc)
of type extern (Windows) int function(void* hwnd, uint msg, int 
lparam, int lpDa
ta) to extern (Windows) int function(void* hwnd, uint uMsg, int 
lParam, int lpDa
ta) nothrow
fontdialog.d(30): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (& 
fondHookProc) o
f type extern (Windows) uint function(void*, uint, uint, int) to 
extern (Windows
) uint function(void* hdlg, uint uiMsg, uint wParam, int lParam) 


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