Incomprehensible compiler errors

Ettienne ettienne.gilbert at
Tue Jul 31 14:01:34 PDT 2012

On Monday, 30 July 2012 at 22:54:59 UTC, Stuart wrote:
> On Monday, 30 July 2012 at 21:40:35 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
>> A ModuleInfo is generated for each compiled module and 
>> inserted into its corresponding .obj file. If the linker 
>> cannot find it, then it is likely that you need to specify 
>> that .obj on the link command.
> Ah, it would seem that my problem is with DFL not compiling. 
> Look guys, I'm about ready to give up here. I like the idea of 
> D, but it's like using fucking Linux: Absolutely everything 
> needs to be compiled before you can use it; and nothing will 
> compile because you need to do fifty other goddamn things that 
> aren't mentioned in the readme, so you have to post on dozens 
> of sodding forums for a week hoping someone throws you a bone.
I really empathize with you - I went through similar pains when I 
started using DFL some years ago (along with VisualD). In the end 
it wasn't too bad, but there are some "catcha"s to be aware of. 
So I figure the best I can do for you (and to avoid one extremely 
long message) is to do a blog posting on this - see

Hope it helps!

> All I want is to be able to write a GUI application using 
> phrases like "button1.dock = Fill". Is that so much to ask? 
> Apparently it is.
> DFL won't compile. D-IDE doesn't work at all. VisualD crashes 
> all the time. The Eclipse IDE plugin doesn't work either. None 
> of the IDEs have any kind of reliable intellisense. The 
> optional "module" keywords aren't optional. The whole fucking 
> thing's a shambles, just like everything else designed for 
> Linux.
> It's really getting on my tits. Even using MFC is easier than 
> this.

Actually, if you are stuck in Windows land and really need to use 
VS for whatever reason (and don't need portability to other OS's) 
I found the DFL+VisualD combo to be acceptable for doing GUI 
development. It isn't as polished as C#/Delphi/C++ Builder as far 
as all the RAD Form stuff goes, but it is useable - so hang in 


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