Making generalized Trie type in D

Roman D. Boiko rb at
Mon Jun 4 14:56:30 PDT 2012

On Monday, 4 June 2012 at 21:39:50 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> On 05.06.2012 1:16, Roman D. Boiko wrote:
> I believe that once encoidng is established your compiler tool 
> should use the best code for that encoding. And that means 
> templates,  tailored per encoding in my book.
> If anything I plan to use Tries on strings without decoding 
> codepoint, just using length of it (as first stage, might need 
> some tweak).
Will it be difficult to adapt your API for immutable tries? E.g., 
it is not possible to implement immutable sequence (linked list) 
as a range, so range API doesn't fit that (but could with a tweak 
- returning tail instead of mutating in popFront). If trie API 
will have similar problems, then I need to invent my own. I 
understand that immutability is not your priority for GSoC, 

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