AST Macros?

deadalnix deadalnix at
Wed Jun 6 08:57:29 PDT 2012

Le 05/06/2012 23:20, Jacob Carlborg a écrit :
> On 2012-06-05 09:08, Don Clugston wrote:
>> On 04/06/12 20:46, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>>> On 2012-06-04 10:03, Don Clugston wrote:
>>>> AST macros were discussed informally on the day after the conference,
>>>> and it quickly became clear that the proposed ones were nowhere near
>>>> powerful enough. Since that time nobody has come up with another
>>>> proposal, as far as I know.
>>> I think others have suggested doing something similar like Nemerle,
>>> Scala or Nimrod.
>> Yes but only in very vague terms -- not in any more words than that.
>> When I look at the Nimrod docs, it basically seems to be nothing more
>> than "expose the compiler internal data structures". Which is extremely
>> easy to do but causes a heap of problems in the long term.
> Yes, no formal proposition has been made.

I wanted to do one. I have may idea on the subject, but want to 
experiment with them. It is not as easy as it seems, and it is always 
harder to switch after release.

This is why I ended up massively hacking SDC.

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