runtime hook for Crash on Error

deadalnix deadalnix at
Wed Jun 6 09:45:39 PDT 2012

Le 05/06/2012 18:21, Sean Kelly a écrit :
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 8:44 AM, Jonathan M Davis<jmdavisProg at>  wrote:
>> In many cases, it's probably fine, but if the program is in a bad enough state
>> that an Error is thrown, then you can't know for sure that any particular such
>> block will execute properly (memory corruption being the extreme case), and if
>> it doesn't run correctly, then it could make things worse (e.g. writing
>> invalid data to a file, corrupting that file). Also, if the stack is not unwound
>> perfectly (as nothrow prevents), then the program's state will become
>> increasingly invalid the farther that the program gets from the throw point,
>> which will increase the chances of cleanup code functioning incorrectly, as
>> any assumptions that they've made about the program state are increasingly
>> likely to be wrong (as well as it being increasingly likely that the variables
>> that they operate on no longer being valid).
> Then we should really just abort on Error. What I don't understand is the assertion that it isn't safe to unwind the stack on Error and yet that catch(Error) clauses should still execute. If the program state is really so bad that nothing can be done safely then why would the user attempt to log the error condition or anything else?

Yes, either we consider the environement may have been compromised and 
it don't even make sense to throw an Error, or we consider this 
environement is still consistent, and we have a logic bug. If so, scope 
(especially failure) should run when stack is unwinded.

As need depend on the software (an office suite should try its best to 
fail gracefully, a plane autpilot should crash ASAP and give control 
back to the pilot), what is needed here is a compiler switch.

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