Rational numbers in D
Paul D. Anderson
paul.d.removethis.anderson at comcast.andthis.net
Fri Jun 8 10:06:56 PDT 2012
On Thursday, 7 June 2012 at 17:49:22 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling
> Sorry for the double-post -- I already asked this in d-learn,
> but this may be a better place to ask.
> What's the current state of affairs and roadmap for inclusion
> of rational number support in D? I've come across David
> Simcha's work:
> http://cis.jhu.edu/~dsimcha/d/phobos/std_rational.html
> ... and a feature request on the bugzilla:
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7885
> ... but this isn't mentioned at all in the review queue:
> http://prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?ReviewQueue
> What's the status of work/planning for this feature and is
> there any kind of ETA for when it might land in Phobos?
> Thanks and best wishes,
> -- Joe
I don't think anyone intends to ignore your posts, it's just that
we don't have the answer. Jonathan Davis has a new thread
regarding the review queue. You might get answers there.
I think there is a tendency for discussions in this group to
focus on language internals and features rather than useful but
mundane things. As a last resort you could probably check and/or
complete the rational number code and put it in the review queue
yourself. Most code here is licensed to allow that.
Taking a little longer view, we definitely need a better process
for inclusion of new modules into phobos. Maybe, as you suggest,
a roadmap for proposed modules, with dates for implementation and
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