Review Queue

Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.olsh at
Sat Jun 9 02:01:06 PDT 2012

On 09.06.2012 11:34, Johannes Pfau wrote:
> Am Fri, 08 Jun 2012 23:18:24 +0400
> schrieb Dmitry Olshansky<dmitry.olsh at>:
>> I recall std.uuid was about to get reviewed. I'd vote for it, as it's
>> nice and short module originating from C++ Boost.
> I just updated my std.uuid branch to latest phobos/dmd. Seems this time
> nothing broke, so std.uuid is ready for review.

Then I suggest we start right away. I humbly propose myself as a review 

> However, could somebody tell me if I have to revert this commit?
> I think the changes to opEquals were rolled back, but what are the
> correct signatures for opEquals and opCmp now?

I believe it's fine - one version for temporaries and the other one for 
l-values. AFAIK that the way it is at the moment.

Dmitry Olshansky

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