RandomSample with specified random number generator

Artur Skawina art.08.09 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 05:21:59 PDT 2012

On 06/18/12 10:40, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> On 17/06/12 19:50, Artur Skawina wrote:
>> I took your random.d and ran with that:
>>     [6612, 6650, 6704, 0, 6629, 6834, 6634, 6756, 6590, 6591]
>>     [6589, 6587, 6636, 0, 6673, 6704, 6647, 6704, 6643, 6817]
>>     [6744, 6552, 6602, 0, 6641, 6722, 6598, 6676, 6749, 6716]
>>     [6641, 6583, 6710, 0, 6618, 6684, 6789, 6673, 6683, 6619]
>>     [6667, 6692, 6600, 0, 6717, 6588, 6660, 6678, 6673, 6725]
>> so the problem is still there, just a little different.
>> I'm using an old GDC build, in case that makes any difference:
>> gcc version 4.6.3 20120106 (prerelease gdc 0.31 - r748:ab99d67f04c2, using dmd 2.057)
> Just built my random.d with gdc 4.6.3 together with your test code.  Here's what comes out:
> [5954, 5896, 6018, 6004, 5978, 5963, 5959, 5970, 6151, 6107]
> [6020, 6044, 5914, 5994, 6110, 6064, 5969, 5985, 6002, 5898]
> [5877, 6021, 6022, 6054, 6075, 5967, 5998, 6010, 6023, 5953]
> [6059, 5968, 5972, 5908, 5982, 6034, 6189, 5909, 5982, 5997]
> [6006, 6077, 6011, 6037, 5823, 6062, 6022, 5925, 6065, 5972]
> [5877, 6006, 6005, 6049, 6013, 5971, 6053, 6023, 5902, 6101]
> [5946, 5984, 6006, 6018, 6049, 6097, 5993, 6030, 5922, 5955]
> [5992, 6071, 5974, 5993, 6066, 5974, 5897, 6017, 5951, 6065]
> [5975, 6127, 6103, 5889, 6000, 5949, 6003, 5849, 5974, 6131]
> [6005, 5937, 5920, 5978, 6032, 6003, 6023, 6064, 6086, 5952]
> ... are you sure there's not something wrong in the way you added my random.d to your test code?  I've sent a copy of my code to you privately so you can test.

Your standalone version works fine.

For some reason the test fails as shown above when I replace the
std.random module with your version (same as the working test
program minus the runtime test), compile it and link my test with
the resulting random.o object.


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