An idea to avoid a narrow class of bugs
Christophe Travert
travert at
Mon Jun 25 07:45:33 PDT 2012
Alex Rønne Petersen , dans le message (digitalmars.D:170622), a écrit :
> On 25-06-2012 15:27, Christophe Travert wrote:
>> Alex Rønne Petersen , dans le message (digitalmars.D:170616), a écrit :
>>>> To me, it is a GC implementation issue. You should be able to allocate
>>>> in destructors.
>>> Yes, I don't understand why on earth this limitation is in place. There
>>> is no (good) technical reason it should be there.
>> Allowing safe unwinding of the stack when throwing exceptions is not a
>> 'good' reason ?
>> Well, a destructor should rather be no_throw, and should be able to
>> call no_throw (GC) functions.
> I fail to see how this is a problem. The GC (read: finalizer thread)
> simply has to catch the exception and Do Something Meaningful with it.
I confused two dinstict issues concerning destructors:
- 1/ during GC, the GC may collect data in any order. References in a
collected object may be invalid. This is not specific to GC usage in
destructors however.
struct B
string x;
writeln('Deleting ', x);
struct A
B* b;
writeln('About to Delete ', b.x); // error since b may have been
// deleted before this A instance.; // should be fine, has no effect on already
// deallocated block
=> Using a maybe dead reference should be forbidden in destructor:
Problem: it is in the general case impossible to tell if A.b has been
allocated from the GC or not at compile time. However, somebody trying
to collect GC data in a destructor is likely to ignore that the data may
already have been collected. I reckon it is legitimate to collect GC
data from a destructor (provided issue 2 is handled).
- 2/ When an exception is thrown, destructors are called to unwind the
stack until the exception is caught. If destructors start to trigger
exceptions, things can get really messy.
=> It is a good idea to make destructors no_throw (and as stupid and
simple as possible).
Maybe there is a third issue that motivate bearophile's post.
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