D Changelog is messed up.
Don Clugston
dac at nospam.com
Mon Mar 5 11:10:28 PST 2012
On 05/03/12 19:50, Brad Anderson wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 5:50 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu
> <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org <mailto:SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org>>
> wrote:
> On 3/5/12 4:28 AM, Don Clugston wrote:
> Actually this is a release process issue.
> The problem is that those pages are visible at all. Nobody
> should see
> that, unless they pulled the docs from git.
> That's not the docs for the current release, it's the docs for
> the next
> one. It's not just the changelog.
> Agreed. We do have a process in place for phobos and druntime, but
> not for the main docs.
> Andrei
> My opinion of how it should work is there should be a "next-release"
> branch where all release specific changes go. master can be used for
> all changes that do not depend on the upcoming release. Setting it up
> is pretty simple.
> git branch next-release # branch from master
> git push origin next-release # add branch to GitHub
> Repository contributors can just commit their release specific changes
> to next-release and push. We plebeians can create pull requests that
> target the next-release branch (how to do this isn't all that intuitive
> on GitHub but it's pretty trivial to actually do:
> http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/ ).
> When a new version is about to be released just:
> git merge next-release # while master is checked out
> And all release specific changes will end up on master from which you
> can deploy to the website.
What should the autotester do?
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