Arbitrary abbreviations in phobos considered ridiculous
Ary Manzana
ary at
Wed Mar 7 18:14:34 PST 2012
On 3/6/12 9:25 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 06, 2012 20:58:52 Ary Manzana wrote:
>> On 3/6/12 8:43 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, March 06, 2012 17:38:09 Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
>>>> writeln(time.toISOExtendedString()); // bzzt, wrong, but this
>>>> used to work!
>>> Yes, and it was quickly changed to toISOExtString, because
>>> toISOExtendedString is painfully long. toISOExtString is bad enough, but
>>> you can't really make it any shorter without making the name
>>> uninformative.
>>>> Nope, apparently, I meant "dur". Ridiculous.
>>> A Duration needs to be constructed with a template, and
>>> duration!"hours"(13), duration!"seconds"(44), etc. is painfully long when
>>> used in expressions. So, it was shortened to dur. I don't know of any
>>> other abbreviation which would make sense.
>> Painfully long?
>> How much time does it take you to type 5 more chars? How much time does
>> it take you to understand "dur" when you read it instead of "duration"?
>>> I agree with H.S. Teoh in that abbreviations should be meaniful and
>>> consistent but that they _should_ be used where applicable. Code becomes
>>> painfully long otherwise - especially when chaining function calls and
>>> the like.
>> Code becomes painfully long when you write lots of lines, not when you
>> write long lines. Specially when you write lots of boilerplate lines.
> You don't write much code in functional style, do you?
Here's something I wrote today:
parent_ids ={|x|
Hash[Site.find(parent_ids).map{|x| [, x]}]
Or I could have written:
Site.find({|x| x['_source']['parent_ids']}.flatten.uniq.compact
).map{|x| [, x]}
No abbreviation at all, many function calls, functional style in the
middle (the couple of "map").
In Ruby it's not such a big problem to have descriptive names.
I guess in D it would be longer because of all the template invocation,
the argument types, etc. I just guess it, I'm not sure.
If you chain functions
> much, then long names very quickly result in long lines, which makes the code
> harder to read, and can quickly lead to expressions having to be multiple
> lines, simply because the symbol names involved were overly verbose.
> While, I grant you that duration!"minutes"(5) might be more immediately clear
> than dur!"minutes"(5) is, I don't buy that it makes all that much of a
> differences. You're not going to mistake dur for anything else even if it
> doesn't immediately occur to you that it's an abbreviation for duration, and
> the units make it very clear that it's related to time. And since dur is
> something that's likely to be commonly used, it will very quick and easy to
> remember what it is.
The problem is not mistaking it with something else. The problem is when
you want to write it. In Ruby my mind works like this:
Mind: "How would I get a span for 5 seconds?"
Mind: "Let's try 5.seconds"
Mind: "Wow, it works!"
I'm trying to remember cases when I just wrote what my mind thought it
was correct and I was *so* surprised it worked out of the box in Ruby.
Like writing array.last, and get it to work, instead of
array[array.length - 1]. But in D, from the docs
( )
bar[$-1] // retrieves last element of the array
I read: bar dollar minus one wait what??
Now, in D I try:
and it doesn't work. I have to write this very unintuitive:
Was it really necessary to implement it that way?
Again, the problem is not understanding the meaning, the problem is
guessing what you have to write and get it right the first time.
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