Arbitrary abbreviations in phobos considered ridiculous

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Thu Mar 8 17:30:19 PST 2012

"deadalnix" <deadalnix at> wrote in message 
news:jjbcok$2pm9$1 at
> BTW, I'm not aware of any successful recent language using a lot of 
> abbreviations in its standard lib. That is not a proof, but definitively 
> should be looked at.

I interpret that as a trend of "If you *can* do something [use 
non-abbreviated symbol names], you *should*." Just like games industry: They 
*can* use smaller text now that TVs have higher resolutions, so now they 
*insist* on making all their text as tiny as possible just because they can. 
(Never mind the pesky fact that tiny text in a higher resolution is *STILL 
TINY TEXT!* Erm, ok, ranty side-track over...)

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