EBNF grammar for D?

Alix Pexton alix.DOT.pexton at gmail.DOT.com
Mon Mar 12 03:17:38 PDT 2012

On 11/03/2012 16:49, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a D grammar in (E)BNF form. Did any of you write
> something like that or do you think I can use the grammar parts on
> dlang.org?
> I remember different threads on this subject and saw the docs being
> updated regularly on github, but my google-fu is weak today.

Rainer Schuetze pulled all the grammar out of the docs and fixed them up 
a while back as part of his work on Visual D. Its not in straight EBNF 
and it may not be 100% up to date, but it may be a good place to start.


I hope that is of some use!


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