"Improve this page"

James Miller james at aatch.net
Thu Mar 15 21:27:49 PDT 2012

On 16 March 2012 17:14, Brad Anderson <eco at gnuk.net> wrote:
> I have a pending pull request
> <https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/d-programming-language.org/pull/98>
> which adds an "Improve this page" button to the upper right corner all pages
> on the website.  From the pull request description: "It essentially turns
> the website into a moderated wiki. How it works is for each page it links to
> a special URL on GitHub that will offer to fork the repository, open an
> online text editor, and create a pull request in one easy process."
> It's meant for simple changes (typos, rewording stuff, minor bugs in code
> examples, etc.). I got the idea after using the GitHub online editor myself
> to make website and Phobos documentation change pull requests and finding it
> to be very easy way to contribute. Even people who are unfamiliar with git
> can use it.
> Andrei seemed to like it when I showed him but asked me to get Walter and
> whoever else's opinions on it before he'd be willing to merged it.
> You can try a live demo here: http://gnuk.net/d/index.html
> Clicking the button will open the appropriate file in an editor on GitHub.
> Feel free to click the button to see what the editor is like. Nothing
> happens until you choose to submit your changes at which point it lets you
> enter a pull request description, then it finally makes the request.
> This would probably have been difficult to implement if it weren't for Ddoc
> so +1 for Ddoc.
> Regards,
> Brad Anderson

Seems ok, though the styling isn't amazing, maybe tone the size of the
buttons down.

Also, Github does not exactly give a useful message when you aren't
logged in (404), but that isn't your fault.

James Miller

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