OpenBSD port of dmd?

Walter Bright newshound2 at
Fri Mar 16 20:09:17 PDT 2012

On 3/16/2012 5:16 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 > Not convinced. They call it specialization, and it's a powerful concept. We use
 > it in std.algorithm all over the place.

I'll admit my argument may not sound convincing. But I've lived this problem for 
25 years. Through trial and error, mostly error, I have found what works.

Even if the default works, it's performance may be execrable, and it may get 
overlooked for years until bearophile(!) posts a benchmark showing it sux. 
Worse, the default may not even work properly on System X. By having no default, 
the porter quickly finds *all* of the system dependent code sections, and has to 
make a decision on each one. This is good. And it is NOT a burden. I can say 
this from experience.

Quick test for the skeptical: find all of the default OS specific code in Phobos.

(There's no straightforward way to do it.)

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