Mono-D at GSoC - Mentor needed
turkeyman at
Tue Mar 20 07:24:10 PDT 2012
On 20 March 2012 16:07, Christian Manning <cmanning999 at> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 20 March 2012 at 13:24:40 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> On 20 March 2012 14:34, Christian Manning <cmanning999 at> wrote:
>> On Monday, 19 March 2012 at 21:18:02 UTC, alex wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> It may sounds a bit annoying because I already was asking everywhere in
>>>> the IRC channels but still had no success -
>>>> Is there anyone who wants to be my GSoC mentor for the Mono-D project?
>>>> In the case you don't know what Mono-D is all about:
>>>> It's about creating a D language binding for MonoDevelop. (
>>>> >)
>>>> There are couple of things that are already implemented - like a
>>>> relatively nice but fast code completion, build support, small
>>>> refactoring
>>>> operations like they can be used in every modern IDE and few other
>>>> things
>>>> which will make application development with D a lot easier - especially
>>>> for D newbies.
>>>> (Debugging is also available via gdb on Linux systems - so yeah, why
>>>> not?
>>>> :))
>>>> The main road map for this summer of code is available under
>>>> MonoDevelop.DBinding/**<**Mono-D/blob/master/**MonoDevelop.DBinding/**>
>>>> Remaining%20features.txt<https**://**
>>>> blob/master/MonoDevelop.**DBinding/Remaining%20features.**txt<>
>>>> >
>>> Surely debugging support on platforms other than linux is much more
>>> important than any of these things you have listed. These things may be
>>> nice, but absolutely unnecessary. Integrated debugging is a must.
>> Debugging is great with VisualD in Windows. It's about the only thing
>> VisualD does really well yet, although the rest of the experience is
>> starting to come together. Needs a lot more polish in general.
> I actually found myself using Mono-D for the nice completion and VisualD
> for debugging, which is a total pain and probably more effort than its
> worth :)
Yes, I can see your motivation though :)
VisualD is starting to show signs of code understanding and
auto-completion. Goto definition has started to work in limited cases...
It's coming along.
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