String mixin syntax sugar

bcs bcs at
Tue Mar 20 19:59:17 PDT 2012

On 03/20/2012 11:25 AM, Mantis wrote:
> Hello,
> since people discussed a lot about user-defined attributes recently,
> I've been thinking about a way to implement it with a string mixins. The
> problem with them is their syntax - it's far from what we want to use in
> everyday job. I understand, they should be easily distinguished at use
> site, but perhaps this may be accomplished in other ways as well. My
> idea is to translate this kind of statements:
> # identifier statement
> into this:
> mixin( identifier( q{ statement } ) );

No no no no, oh the humanity no!

String mixins should be a method of LAST resort. Please don't add sugar 
to make them look nicer. If anything add vinegar and make them look as 
ugly as they really are.

> where an identifier is a, possibly templated, function that accepts one
> string argument and returns a string. Here are some possible use cases:
> #serialize int a; // marked to be serializable
> #serialize!not int b; // -.- non-serializable
> #readonly float c; // generate trivial private setter and public getter
> #handles!Events.Foo void handler(); // event handler
> #attribute!"Foo" void foo(); // function with additional compile-time info
> Most of these examples require some D parser, but, since it is planned
> to add parser-generation into Phobos, this shouldn't be a problem.
> What do you think, does it have some value for the language, and, if
> yes, is it possible to implement?

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