Proposal for a MessageQueue (was Re: public MessageBox)

Nathan M. Swan nathanmswan at
Thu Mar 22 18:35:04 PDT 2012

On Friday, 23 March 2012 at 00:14:00 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
> While sending messages like a bare string might be good for 
> example code, any real application is going to use structured 
> messages whose type is specific to what the message is for, 
> contains fields like sender Tid, etc.  It seems like you're 
> aiming more for CSP where you'd create a separate communication 
> channel per use.  You could even fake it by wrapping 
> send/receive with your own CSP-like API, though it's quite 
> likely that a from-scratch CSP style implementation would be 
> faster because there'd be no need to package messages.

I see your point. To make this easier, may I suggest:

     T receiveNext(T)() {
         T r;
         receive((T t) {r = t;});
         return r;

A big reason for the use of receiveOnly (in my code) is its 
convenience. receiveNext, and a discouragement of using 
receiveOnly, would be a simpler solution.

> Used to work, and std.concurrency doesn't even use std.utf.  
> Not sure what's going on there.

Weird :(


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