D for a Qt developer

David d at dav1d.de
Sat Mar 31 15:47:31 PDT 2012

>> 4) XML libraries for generating and parsing xml docs. Although XSD
>> validation support and XSL transforms.
> Phobos has a pretty rudimentary XML lib. Tango's been ported to D2,
> though. You could try it. https://github.com/SiegeLord/Tango-D2

You should maybe also mention, 
and http://opticron.no-ip.org/svn/branches/kxml/

>> 5) networking libs with several main protocol implementations such as
>> Http, FTP and SMTP.
> std.net.curl was just added to the latest Phobos release.

"nazriel" is also working on a "http and other protocols" lib (but in D, 
with no curl ...), but I don't know the current state, 

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