LDC and the Debian Repository
Russel Winder
russel at winder.org.uk
Wed May 2 11:07:59 PDT 2012
On Wed, 2012-05-02 at 18:07 +0200, David Nadlinger wrote:
> Huh? You mean »upstream«?
I guess so ;-)
> I don't know – as far as I'm aware, he is just a D user who
> thought it would be nice to have LDC packaged (thanks a lot for
> that, btw).
To get into the Debian repository a qualified Debian Maintainer has to
be involved...
> Well, LDC is just an open source project which happens to use
> LLVM, and not affiliated with llvm.org in any way – so a D
> suite of some kind would probably be a better fit. If the guys
> maintaining the LLVM packages in Debian also took care of the LDC
> packages, this would certainly be very welcome, but it's less of
> a »natural fit« than it might seem.
I guess the relationship between LDC and LLVM is very different to that
of GDC and GCC: I guess the analogy is more LDC and Clang?
> Ubuntu is apparently shipping an ancient version of LDC (which
> might as well be the lastest release, since for various reasons,
> there hasn't been a release for quite some time now) – trunk is
> at LLVM 3.0 now, and we have a 3.1 branch ready. I'll see what we
> can get done regarding a new release in the next days/weeks.
Given that I doubt the Ubuntu developers do anything other than take
Debian for this then that implies that the Debian version is also
relatively ancient? Getting Debian Unstable sorted is the fastest way
of getting Ubuntu sorted as far as I can see. This also gets Mint
sorted as well I guess?
Dr Russel Winder t: +44 20 7585 2200 voip: sip:russel.winder at ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Road m: +44 7770 465 077 xmpp: russel at winder.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK w: www.russel.org.uk skype: russel_winder
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