From Ada 2012
bearophileHUGS at
Thu May 3 07:04:39 PDT 2012
Ada shares many purposes with D: correctness from the language
design too, mostly imperative, native compilation, efficiency of
the binary, closeness to the metal (even more, because not
requiring a GC, it's probably usable in more situations), generic
programming, OOP, strong static typing, and both languages share
many small features (like array slicing syntax, and so on).
Coding in Ada is a bit boring, because you have to specify every
small detail and to write a lot, but for certain programming
tasks, like code that can't have too many bugs, it's maybe the
best language. As Ada vendors say, if your life depends on a
program, you often prefer that code to be written in good Ada
instead of good C. Even if writing Ada is slower than writing C
or C++, you save some time later debugging less. Today for
certain tasks Haskell seems to produce reliable code, but it uses
a GC and it's lazy, so it's quite less strict compared to Ada.
I've found another pack of slides about the Ada 2012 language:
Come quotations and comments from/about the slides:
[page 3] >In High-Reliable Software, choice is usually being made
between C C++ Java Ada<
Maybe someday D too will be among those.
[p.6] >Applying these skills to any programming language should
be easy for any developer<
Good luck with programming in Haskell :-)
[p.7] >Is the language properly supported by tools?<
Right, some bugs are avoided thanks to the supporting tools too.
[p.8] >Can the language full development cycle
I don't know, regarding D.
[p.15] >Put as much (formal) information as possible in the code<
This is quite important for a language that wants to enforce more
[p.17] >Values are checked at run-time (can be deactivated)<
This often saves the programmer ass.
[p.19] >Arrays can be indexed by any discrete types (integers,
This is quite handy for enums (and sometimes chars), and
reliable. Currently in D if you define an array with enum index
you get an associative array, that is wasteful in both memory and
performance for most enums that have contiguous values (but I
think maybe D implementations will be free to use a more
efficient array here, because the interface of AAs is opaque).
> Three parameter modes : in (input), out (output) and in-out
> (input/output)
> procedure Do_Something
> (P1 : in Integer; -- P1 can’t be changed
> P2 : out Integer; -- No initial value on P2
In D P2 is initialized...
> The compiler decides if it has to be passed by reference of copy
> procedure Do_Something
> (P1 : in Huge_Structure) –- Passed by reference if too big
D offers more low-level knowlege/control here, it doesn't decide
to pass by value or reference, leaving the decision to the
programmer, I prefer D here.
But in D code like this, where a large value is passed, I'd like
the D compiler to give a warning (despite once in a while that's
exactly what you want?):
alias int[1_000] TA;
void int(TA a) {}
> Generalized contracts are available through pre and
> post-conditions
> procedure P (V : in out Integer)
> with Pre => V >= 10,
> Post => V'Old /= V;
So there's the Old (prestate) too in the Ada2012 built-in
contract programming.
> * Pointers are typed, associated with accessibility checks
> * Objects that can be pointed are explicitly identifed
> * Pointers constraints can be specified
> – Is null value expected?
> – Is the pointer constant?
> – Is the object pointed by the pointer constant?
Ada has severl kinds of pointers, according to how much freedom
they have.
> Ada 2012 detects "obvious" aliasing problems
> function Change (X, Y : in out Integer) return Integer is
> begin
> X := X * 2;
> Y := Y * 4;
> return X + Y;
> end;
> One, Two : Integer := 1;
> begin
> Two := Change (One, One);
> -- warning: writable actual for "X" overlaps with actual for
> "Y“
> Two := Change (One, Two) + Change (One, Two);
> -- warning: result may differ if evaluated after other
> actual in expression
Are such warnings/tests useful in D too?
D compiles this with no warnings/errors:
int change(ref int x, ref int y) {
x *= 2;
y *= 4;
return x + y;
void main() {
int one = 1, two;
two = change(one, one);
two = change(one, two) + change(one, two);
> if C in 'a' | 'e' | 'i'
> | 'o' | 'u' | 'y' then
Sometimes Ada2012 is succint too.
> Function implementation can be directly given at specification
> time if it represents only an "expression"
> function Even (V : Integer) return Boolean
> is (V mod 2 = 0);
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