Does D have too many features?
Era Scarecrow
rtcvb32 at
Thu May 3 14:32:52 PDT 2012
On Thursday, 3 May 2012 at 20:36:47 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Thursday, May 03, 2012 15:30:40 Don Clugston wrote:
>> What is this D3 thing ????
>> As far as I can tell, 'D3' was invented by newcomers to the
>> forums.
> I think that what it comes down to is that there are a variety
> of people who
> want features added or changed in D which are either not going
> to happen
> anytime soon or will never happen in D2 (especially if they're
> major breaking
> changes). So, they figure/hope that we'll have a new revision
> of the language
> where we'll be able to make breaking changes and then maybe the
> changes that
> they want will make it in then. After all, particularly from
> the perspective
> of a newbie, we already had D2 which changed a bunch of stuff
> from D1, why
> wouldn't we have D3 later on? And for folks who really want to
> see changes
> that aren't going to happen, the idea that we're going to have
> another major
> revision of the language which might make the changes that they
> want sounds
> really appealing.
> I think that Walter and Andrei have made it fairly clear when
> they've said
> anything on the subject that there is no intention to make any
> kind of D3
> anytime soon and that if we do, it'll be years from now after
> D2 is mature and
> well-established, and it actually makes sense to do a new major
> revision. But
> I do think that you're right in that the very idea of a D3 was
> created by
> folks in the newsgroup. Walter and the other developers have
> been focusing on
> stabilizing D2 as _the_ version of the language, not finishing
> it up so that
> they can move onto D3. And the misconceptions about D1 that
> you've pointed out
> in the past probably just help contribute to the idea that
> we'll have a D3 at
> some point. Maybe we will, maybe we won't, but there's no point
> in worrying
> about it for years yet.
If anything, I would consider D3 an ideal, something to work
towards. And no it wouldn't be started or really worked on for at
10-15 years after D's mature and at Andrei's goal of having at
least a million users. And as stated before, if there [b]IS[/b]
going to be a D3 at any point it should have no problem calling
D2 code.
Course thinking of D3 now is kinda like thinking of flying cars
and how you want a flying car and you won't buy a car today until
it can fly... Back (in the 50-60's was it?) they thought we
would be having a flying car for every family and had these
really badly done animations of what they expected to see. I
don't see any flying cars outside of Hollywood. Best if we stick
in the present and deal with our problems now.
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