GSOC Linker project

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Mon May 7 04:21:13 PDT 2012

On Fri, 04 May 2012 20:30:05 -0400, Alex Rønne Petersen  
<xtzgzorex at> wrote:

> Purity inference won't happen either way. Purity is part of your API and  
> also meant to help you reason about your code. If the compiler just  
> infers purity in a function and you later change the implementation so  
> it's no longer pure, you break your users' code. Also, purity would no  
> longer help you reason about your code if it's not explicit.

It can be pure for the purposes of optimization without affecting code  
whatsoever.  Inferred purity can be marked separately from explicit  
purity, and explicitly pure functions would not be allowed to call  
implicitly pure functions.


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