Does D have too many features?
foo at
Tue May 8 04:59:07 PDT 2012
On Sunday, 6 May 2012 at 22:06:32 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> This argument comes up every once in a while even though AFAIK
>> it
>> is *not* a goal of D and never has been!
>> D does not and *should not* strive to be source compatible with
>> C. We already have C++ for that and it is a horrible idea.
>> D can link with C which allows to use pre-existing C code. we
>> should *not* encourage converting C code to D code at all.
>> Either
>> just link the C code or use D idiomatic code.
> Then you misunderstand. One of the tenets that D holds to is
> that any C/C++
> code either compiles as valid D code with identical semantics,
> or it doesn't
> compile as D code (there are a few minor exceptions - such as
> static arrays
> being passed by value - but not many). This means that we can
> break
> compatibility with C/C++ and do our own thing for a lot of
> stuff but that we
> can't just redefine what stuff does such that it would silently
> break code when
> it's ported from C/C++ to D.
> That approach is _very_ different from C++'s approach where
> valid C code pretty
> much _always_ compiles identically in C++ (the fact that C++
> added keywords
> being the only exception that I can think of at the moment),
> but that doesn't
> mean that we don't care about code portability from C/C++ to D.
> There's a huge
> difference between designing a language such that porting code
> to it from
> another language isn't error-prone and making the new language
> source
> compatibile. D does the former. C++ does the latter.
> Being able to port code from C/C++ to D without having to worry
> about silent
> breakage _is_ one of D's goals.
> - Jonathan M Davis
I have a three main problems with the above:
a. C++ is *not* fully source compatible with C, especially the
latest C99 conflicts with C++ IIRC.
b. D isn't either - there are already semantics changes compared
to C, as you said so yourself, e.g. static arrays, default
initialization of static floats, etc.
c. If this is currently a goal of D it really shouldn't be - it
prevents us from fixing design bugs we inherited from C such as
implicit numeric coercions.
As others said, the only thing that sort-of makes sense is to
copy/paste *declarations* and even those are different enough in
D that they deserve at least a look over to make sure they are
We shouldn't promote this "goal" at all especially given that it
isn't even guarantied to be 100% correct in all cases.
Really what we should be promoting is the fact that D is _link_
compatible with C and allows you to use existing C code _without_
porting it to D.
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