CTFE and DI: The Crossroads of D

deadalnix deadalnix at gmail.com
Wed May 9 12:55:50 PDT 2012

Le 09/05/2012 21:27, Adam Wilson a écrit :
> Questions? Comments? Rants? Raves?
> What do you think?

You miss the point of the importance of CTFE. It « just » allow us to 
get the fastest possible regex engine given the regex is known at 
compiletime (common case) for instance.

This is a major feature of D.

Maybe an interpretable bytecode solution is the key. But clearly the 
situation is not satisfying.

Annotation could also be used to provide hint for the di generator. This 
feature had great interest. And is something powerful we should build 
on, when in place.

Finally, di generator should do a part of the semaintic work to work 
fine. auto must be resolved, and non CTFEable code could be safely 
removed. This is already a major improvement.

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