D dropped in favour of C# for PSP emulator

Mehrdad wfunction at hotmail.com
Fri May 11 12:06:56 PDT 2012

On Friday, 11 May 2012 at 19:01:25 UTC, jerro wrote:
>> Just a note: I believe I *had* seen SortedRange in the docs, 
>> but I'd never realized there's something called assumeSorted() 
>> that I was supposed to call... so I was searching up and down 
>> for how to search an *arbitrary* container, not how to search 
>> something which was already pre-sorted for me.
>> (In retrospect, I probably should've just coded binary search 
>> myself...)
>> It's very counterintuitive to have to make a new object (or 
>> struct) just to do binary search on an array...
> Maybe the documentation changed since, but currently the
> documentation for SortedRange says:
> "To construct a SortedRange from a range r that is known to be 
> already sorted, use assumeSorted described below."
> And there is assumeSorted in the example.

Yeah, either I missed, or I just didn't look at it, and skipped 
it entirely just by the header (I don't remember). The point was 
that it simply wasn't what/where I expected to be.

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