path planning implementations?
H. S. Teoh
hsteoh at
Sat May 12 18:05:52 PDT 2012
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 11:07:41PM +0200, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> Anyway, here is what I would like a graph module to have:
> - directed and undirected graphs
> - templated nodes
> - templated edges: I want the possibility to start from a weighted
> graph and to create a graph with no info in edges, for example.
I don't know if this is overly ambitious, but I was thinking along the
lines of a completely generic duck-typed graph interface for graph
algorithms, so the algorithms will work for any kind of structs/classes
that implement the right methods for graph access.
For example, say I have a grid of voxels representing some kind of game
world, where adjacent voxels within a certain height difference are
considered "reachable" and voxels with greater height difference are
considered "unreachable". I'd like to be able to invoke graph
reachability algorithms on the grid directly, by defining methods that
expose a kind of graph-like interface to the grid (e.g., enumerate edges
given a particular location, enumerate locations, etc.) without having
to explicitly construct a separate graph object to represent
Graph algorithms generally tend to assume a particular kind of
representation for the graph; we may classify graphs into different
types depending on what kind of operations are expected (analogous to
std.range where we have input ranges, output ranges, forward ranges,
Why have vacation when you can work?? -- EC
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