Windows application manifests

Gor Gyolchanyan gor.f.gyolchanyan at
Tue May 15 11:39:47 PDT 2012

Thanks for the detailed info! Definitely will check it out!

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 10:38 PM, Andrej Mitrovic <
andrej.mitrovich at> wrote:

> On 5/15/12, Gor Gyolchanyan <gor.f.gyolchanyan at> wrote:
> > But what do windows resources have to do with the manifests?
> You use a resource file to load a manifest into the executable. There
> are a couple of examples here:
> enable-theme.xml is the manifest, and resource.rc just references this
> xml file. The resource file is compiled into a .res file, and this
> file is then passed directly to DMD.
> For your own purposes try to just take the .rc/.res/.xml files, pass
> .res to dmd when compiling your app and see if the visual styles work
> for you.
> The last example loads the manifest dynamically, based on a sample
> from the DFL library.

Gor Gyolchanyan.
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