The more interesting question
Alex Rønne Petersen
alex at
Wed May 16 07:30:55 PDT 2012
On 16-05-2012 16:25, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 6:10 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen <alex at
> <mailto:alex at>> wrote:
> On 16-05-2012 16:04, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Steven Schveighoffer
> <schveiguy at <mailto:schveiguy at>
> <mailto:schveiguy at <mailto:schveiguy at>>> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 May 2012 18:31:26 -0400, deadalnix
> <deadalnix at <mailto:deadalnix at>
> <mailto:deadalnix at <mailto:deadalnix at>>> wrote:
> Le 15/05/2012 17:51, Christophe a écrit :
> deadalnix , dans le message (digitalmars.D:167404),
> a écrit :
> This looks to me like a bad practice. C string and D
> string are
> different beasts, and we have toStringz .
> C string and D string are different, but it's not a
> bad idea
> to have
> string *literals* that works for both C and D strings,
> otherwise using
> printf will lead to a bug each time the programmer
> forget
> the trailing
> \0.
> Due to slicing, it is already unsafe to pass a D string to C
> code. The main problem is array casting silently to
> pointers,
> making the error easy to do.
> How so? strings are immutable, and literals are *truly*
> immutable.
> Fixing the problem for literal isn't going to solve it
> at all.
> The real solution is toStringz
> toStringz can allocate a new block in order to ensure 0 gets
> added.
> This is ludicrous!
> You are trying to tell me that any time I want to call a C
> function
> with a string literal, I have to first heap-allocate it,
> even though
> I *know* it's safe.
> I don't see a "problem" anywhere. The current system is
> perfect for
> what it needs to do.
> -Steve
> Aside from the string problem the very existence of this debate
> exposes
> a fundamental flaw in the entire software engineering industry:
> heavy
> usage of ancient crap.
> If some library is so damned hard to refresh, then something's
> terribly
> wrong with it. It's about damned time ancient libraries are
> thrown away.
> --
> Bye,
> Gor Gyolchanyan.
> I... don't think that's a very pragmatic view.
> Yes, software sucks. Deal with it, etc.
> --
> Alex Rønne Petersen
> alex at <mailto:alex at>
> Deal with it? That's the attitude that made it this way in the first
> place. If you like having software this way till the end of times - be
> my guest. I for one will not tolerate this unacceptably obsolete
> software. If you want it to stop being this bad - you're welcome to join
> me in the effort to put an end to this. It seems impossible only because
> nobody actually tried doing anything and all everybody does is complain
> about ancient stuff still requiring compatibility. With some effort that
> can be changed. Ancient libraries still require compatibility not
> because it's a rule, but because there are people who use them. They use
> them because there are no alternatives. If some people deliberately
> refuse to embrace the progress - it's their damned problem.
> --
> Bye,
> Gor Gyolchanyan.
C support and interoperability has always been a goal of D; and I don't
see that changing.
That's not saying that reimplementing these libraries in D is a bad idea
- in fact, it would make everyone's lives easier. So by all means, do
that. But I'm using some libraries such as libgc (the
Boehm-Demers-Weiser GC) and libffi (foreign function interface for C)
that would take eons to port, audit, test, ... and I have a project that
depends on them that I need to work on.
Alex Rønne Petersen
alex at
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