The more interesting question
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at
Wed May 16 11:03:44 PDT 2012
On Wed, 16 May 2012 13:52:57 -0400, H. S. Teoh <hsteoh at>
> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 01:36:27PM -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 May 2012 13:16:36 -0400, H. S. Teoh
>> <hsteoh at> wrote:
>> >On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 01:07:54PM -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> >[...]
>> >>For example:
>> >>
>> >>auto str = "abcabc";
>> >>assert(str[0..3] == str[3..$]); // pass
>> >>assert(str[0..3] is str[3..$]); // fail
>> >>
>> >>which is very counterintuitive.
>> >[...]
>> >
>> >I don't find that counterintuitive at all. To me, 'is' concerns
>> >memory identity: are the two things actually one and the same _in
>> >memory_? (In this case, no, because they are different chunks of
>> >memory that just happens to contain the same values.) Whereas '=='
>> >concerns logical identity: do the two things represent the same
>> >logical entity? (In this case, yes, these two arrays contain exactly
>> >the same elements.)
>> >
>> >I'd argue that 99% of the time, what you want is logical identity
>> >(i.e., ==), not memory identity.
>> What's counter intuitive is if you use null as a 'special marker',
>> then you use == in most cases, but that one case where you want to
>> 'check for the special marker', in which case you *have* to use is.
> [...]
> It depends upon one's mental model of what an array is.
> If you think of an array as a container that exists apart from its
> contents, then you'd expect null != [] because null means even the
> container itself doesn't exist, whereas [] means the container exists
> but contains nothing.
> However, if you regard the array simply as the sum total of its
> contents, then you'd expect null == [] because there is no container to
> speak of, either there are elements, or there are none. When there are
> no elements, there is also no array (or equivalently, the array is
> empty). Therefore, null and [] are the same thing.
> It seems that D takes the latter view, at least as far as == is
> concerned. Thus, to distinguish between null and [], one has to bypass
> == and use 'is' (i.e., open up the hood of the mental model of an array,
> and look into its actual implementation).
Part of the source of this confusion is that D slices are not actually
arrays or containers. They reference, they don't contain.
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