Is dsource .org completely deserted?
Joseph Rushton Wakeling
joseph.wakeling at
Thu May 17 04:53:21 PDT 2012
On 17/05/12 01:45, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> My main point is that those features (fork/pull request/issue tracking, etc)
> should be decoupled from hosting so that, for example, self-hosted repos
> would *not* provide inferior service, in fact they woudn't have to provide
> some stupid bundled interface at all: As a *user* (NOT as a project
> maintainer), you would just use *your own* choice of github, bitbucket,
> Tortoise*, or whatever the fuck YOU wanted to use, to access whatever the
> fuck repo you wanted to access, wherever the hell said repo happens to live.
> The whole point is that interface and hosting have no business being coupled
> as they are now. Tying repo and interface together makes absolutely no sense
> whatsoever.
I do agree with you. However ... to really get that working our only choice is
to take time and effort to contribute to one of the open source code hosting
solutions. I'm familiar with only two decent ones -- Launchpad (which is tied
to bzr) and Gitorious (which seems to be not very well maintained these days,
though I haven't looked too recently, and which IIRC doesn't include issue
tracking etc.).
It would be great if we could have code-hosting equivalents of WordPress,
Drupal, Joomla! etc., but for now there's nothing that really cuts the mustard
compared to the dedicated services out there.
Bear in mind, though, that even if you _did_ have the stuff available for
self-hosting, in many cases it would still make sense to host with a dedicated
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