2D (or higher) equivalent of ranges?

Philippe Sigaud philippe.sigaud at gmail.com
Thu May 17 06:13:04 PDT 2012

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Tobias Pankrath <tobias at pankrath.net> wrote:
>> More exotic:
>> http://svn.dsource.org/projects/dranges/trunk/dranges/docs/recursive.html
> That looks like a compile time composite pattern and I'd say it's a natural
> way to iterate over every form of graph. To be a equivalent to ranges in the
> std.algorithm sense, they must also be a good vehicle to implement graph
> algorithms effectively. I'd question this for the recursive ranges. How
> would you implement Dijkstra with r-ranges?

I don't remember how I did Dijkstra in D. That was 2 years ago (see
 ). IIRC That was an algorithm directly acting on the graph, not on a

I have a module to present a graph as a (linear, standard) range,
either exploring the graph in a deph-first or breadth-first manner,

As for recursive ranges, even two years afterwards I still don't know
if exposing a r-range is a good idea or not. The thing is, a r-range
preserves the global topology (shape) and as such is awfully near a
container. And, as you said, some algorithm do not translate easily
into a range function.

I haven't think much about it though. I'm still waiting for a
definitive word on allocators and seeing the AA implementation to go
back to graphs.

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