Interested in being abreast of the GSoC 2012 projects? Here's how

Antti-Ville Tuunainen avtuunainen at
Mon May 21 06:04:00 PDT 2012

On Sunday, 20 May 2012 at 22:01:55 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> As you may recall, we have three GSoC 2012 projects for which 
> full-bore coding starts tomorrow:

As discussed in the interview and (quite badly) on the 
application, I will delay the start by a week on account of 

> 3. Removing the gc lock from common allocations in D by 
> Antti-Ville Tuunainen.

My project turned out to be rather badly named, as due to changed 
circumstances, I will not work on the lock, at least not 
initially. Instead, David convinced me that I should try to 
implement the druntime side of precise marking. Lockless 
allocation will be implemented one the precise marking works, or 
when I'm totally stuck on it for long enough that I need to work 
on something else for a while instead.

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