ronnyzmanbarzell at yahoo.com
Mon May 21 06:39:18 PDT 2012
> Looks like a -d is missing on the command line to allow
> deprecated
> functions.
Still doesn't work.
Thank you to everyone who has offered help, but I think I've seen
enough to dismiss DFL. If I have to duct tape it just to get it
to work, then what does this say about the rest of the product?
I don't intend to find out.
If there are other windowing kits for D that work right out of
the box (integration with Entice would be sweet), I'd love to
know about them. Otherwise, I'll have to look elsewhere for UI
I really like D, so I hope I won't have to look elsewhere because
of the absence of a workable GUI.
Oh, and by workable I don't mean thin wrappers to the Windows
API. I did my time with the Windows API, and I don't intend to
repeat the experience.
Thanks again to everyone who took the time to help. I really
appreciate it.
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