Lexer and parser generators using CTFE
d coder
dlang.coder at gmail.com
Sun May 27 10:31:21 PDT 2012
> Generally a parser generated by other tool and accepting tokens returns
> the abstract syntax tree, but it return the evaluated value in the example.
> In other words, it does lexical analysis, parsing and (type) converting at
> a time.
> If you want simply abstract syntax tree, it may be a little pain to use
> ctpg.
Hello Youkei
I am trying to use CTPG for compile time parsing for a DSL I am working on.
I have tried the examples you created in the examples directory.
I would like the parser to effect some side effects. For this purpose, I
tried including the parser mixin into a class, but I got a strange error
Error: need 'this' to access member parse
I have copied the code I am trying to compile at the end of the email. Let
me know what I could be doing wrong here.
- Puneet
import ctpg;
import std.array: join;
import std.conv: to;
class Foo
int result;
int root = mulExp $;
int mulExp =
primary !"*" mulExp >> (lhs, rhs){ return lhs * rhs; }
/ primary;
int primary = !"(" mulExp !")" / [0-9]+ >> join >> to!int;
void frop() {
result = parse!root("5*8");
void main(){
Foo foo = new Foo();
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