Exception/Error division in D

deadalnix deadalnix at gmail.com
Wed May 30 07:21:43 PDT 2012

Le 30/05/2012 12:59, Jonathan M Davis a écrit :
>> And it's very valuable to log it properly.
> Yes, which is why it's better to have an Error thrown rather than a halt
> instruction be executed. But that doesn't mean that any attempt at cleanup is
> any more valid.

Sorry but that is bullshit. What can be the benefit of not trying to 
clean things up ?

Do you really consider that corrupted files, client waiting forever at 
the other end of a connection or any similar stuff is a good thing ? 
Because that is what you are advocating.

I may sound good on the paper, but in real life, system DOES fail. It 
isn't a question of if, but a question of when and how often, and what 
to do about it.

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