synchronized (this[.classinfo]) in druntime and phobos

Alex Rønne Petersen alex at
Thu May 31 11:34:24 PDT 2012

On 31-05-2012 16:49, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
>>> But this is a protection/visibility issue, which is orthogonal on the
>>> locking capability. It's as if you say "int is not good because anyone
>>> can overflow it." Okay! Make it private inside a CheckedInt class.
>> Sorry, that's a bad comparison. CheckedInt is to int, what CheckedMutex
>> is to mutex - but I'm not suggesting anything like a CheckedMutex. I'm
>> suggesting "mutex" but kept private inside the class /that it locks/.
>> Yes, it's a visibility issue, the issue is that the mutex used by
>> synchronized classes/methods is too visible/accessible and this opens it
>> up for deadlocks which are otherwise impossible.
> Sure it's awful comparison.
>>> So where's the mutex that would be used to synchronize objects that
>>> are not synchronizable?
>> In the wrapper class/struct/object which derives a synchronized
>> class/struct from the original. My D foo is not strong enough to just
>> come up with valid D code for the idiom on the fly, but essentially you
>> wrap the original object in a new object using a template which adds the
>> mutex member and the interface methods (lock, tryLock, and unlock)
>> required. No, this doesn't work with "final" classes.. but it shouldn't,
>> they're final after all. For them you need to add/manage the mutex
>> manually - the price you pay for "final".
> OK let me land you a hand here. My proposal, that I think fits your
> ideas quite favorably.
> I'll enumerate certain assumptions beforehand since it's one of most
> confusing threads I ever followed.
> 1. synchronized class means: always allocate hidden monitor mutex, lock
> it on every public method of this class.

If this means that the monitor field in regular objects goes away, then 
I'm all for this, at least.

> 2. synchronized(x,y,z) is lowered to (I use Steven's idea):
> auto sorted = total_order(x,y,z);//conceptual, sorted is tuple of x,y,z
> sorted
> FOR EACH item IN sorted tuple add code in [[ ... ]]
> [[// conceptual
> item.__lock();
> scope(exit) item.__unlock();
> ]]
> In other words it works for every object that defines lock/unlock.
> Multiple object version works only if there is opCmp defined. (by
> address whatever, any total ordering should work)
> Per definition above synchronized classes AS IS can't be *synchronized*
> on. Instead their public methods are implicitly synchronized.
> The end result is:
> User can synchronize on various synchronization entities and even plug
> in custom synchronization primitives (say OS Y provides have this fancy
> lock type Z). It's explicit in as sense that object supports it via
> __lock__/unlock. Obviously one still can use __lock/__unlock explicitly
> just don't forget to wear big HERE BE DRAGONS banner.
> Synchronized class encapsulate mutex completely - nobody aside from
> designer of the class may (a)use it.
> Does it makes sense?

Alex Rønne Petersen
alex at

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