[ ArgumentList ] vs. @( ArgumentList )

John Chapman johnch_atms at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 7 00:19:41 PST 2012

> [ ArgumentList ]
> Pros:
>     precedent with C#

And Delphi.

> @( ArgumentList )
> Pros:
>     looks like existing @attribute syntax
>     no parsing problems
> Cons:
>     not as nice looking

@ArgumentList makes me think I'm on Twitter. #joke

Personally, I also like <ArgumentList>. Prior to @property and 
family being introduced, I'd have gone with [ArgumentList]. But 
since @ is the prefix for attributes in D, let's stick with it 
for UDAs.

And as to any clashes between UDAs and possible future built-in 
ones, I'd say the language has first dibs on names and it's up to 
people writing UDAs to avoid using names that sound like language 

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