Const ref and rvalues again...

Regan Heath regan at
Fri Nov 9 08:53:01 PST 2012

On Fri, 09 Nov 2012 16:26:21 -0000, martin <kinke at> wrote:
> Let me summarize my (final, I guess) proposal. I think it makes sense to  
> compare it to C++ in order to anticipate and hopefully invalidate  
> (mainly Andrei's) objections.
>       parameter type     |   lvalue    |    rvalue
>                          | C++     D   | C++     D
> ------------------------|-------------|------------
> T                       | copy   copy | copy   move
> T& / ref T              | ref    ref  | n/a    n/a
> out T (D only)          |        ref  |        n/a
> T&& (C++ only)          | n/a         | move
> auto ref T (D only) (*) |        ref  |        ref
> ------------------------|-------------|------------
> const T                 | copy   copy | copy   move
> const T& / const ref T  | ref    ref  | ref    ref (*)
> const T&& (C++ only)    | n/a         | move
> (*): proposed additions
> For lvalues in both C++ and D, there are 2 options: either copy the  
> argument (pass-by-value) or pass it by ref. There's no real difference  
> between both languages except for D's additional 'out' keyword and, with  
> the proposed 'auto ref' syntax, an (imo negligible) ambiguity between  
> 'ref T' and 'auto ref T' in D.
> Rvalues are a different topic though. There are 3 possibilites in  
> general: copy, move and pass by ref. Copying rvalue arguments does not  
> make sense - the argument won't be used by the caller after the  
> invokation, so a copy is redundant and hurts performance. D corrects  
> this design flaw of C++ (which had to introduce rvalue refs to add move  
> semantics on top of the default copy semantics) and therefore only  
> supports moving instead. C++ additionally supports pass-by-ref of  
> rvalues to const refs, but not to mutable refs. I propose to allow  
> pass-by-ref to both const (identical syntax as C++, it's perfectly safe  
> and logical) and mutable refs (new syntax with 'auto ref' to emphasize  
> that the parameter may be an rvalue reference, with related consequences  
> such as potentially missing side effects).
> Regarding the required overloading priorities for the proposed additions  
> to work properly, I propose:
> 1) lvalues: prefer pass-by-ref
>     so: ref/out T -> auto ref T (*) -> const ref T -> (const) T
>     - const lvalues:   const ref T -> (const) T
>     - mutable lvalues: ref/out T -> auto ref T (*) -> const ref T ->  
> (const) T
> 2) rvalues: prefer pass-by-value (moving: argument allocated directly on
>     callee's stack (parameter) vs. pointer/reference indirection implied  
> by
>     pass-by-ref)
>     so: (const) T -> auto ref T (*) -> const ref T (*)
> Finally, regarding templates, I'm in favor of dropping the current 'auto  
> ref' semantics and propose to simply adopt the proposed semantics for  
> consistency and simplicity and to avoid excessive code bloating. That  
> shouldn't break existing code I hope (unless parameters have been  
> denoted with 'const auto ref T', which would need to be changed to  
> 'const ref T').
> Now please go ahead and shoot. :)

Nice detailed proposal.  I would suggest starting a new thread with it, to  
catch anyone who dozed off in this thread :p


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