Something needs to happen with shared, and soon.
deadalnix at
Mon Nov 12 05:07:46 PST 2012
Le 12/11/2012 13:25, Regan Heath a écrit :
> First off, IIRC object contains a mutex/monitor/critical section, which
> means all objects contain one. The last discussion saw many people
> wanting this removed for efficiency. I propose we do this. Then, if a
> class or struct is declared as "shared" or a "shared" instance of a
> class or struct is constructed we magically include one (compiler magic
> which I hope is possible).
As already explain in the thread you mention, it is not gonna work. The
conclusion of the thread is that only synchronized classes should have
one mutex field.
> Secondly I say we make "shared" illegal on basic types. This is a
> limitation(*) but I believe in most cases a single int is unlikely to be
> shared without an accompanying group of other variables, and usually an
> algorithm operating on those variables. These variables and the
> algorithm should be encapsulated in a class or struct - which can in
> turn be shared.
Shared reference counting ? Disruptor ?
> Now.. the synchronized() {} statement can do the magic described above
> (as ScopedLock) for us. It would be illegal to call it on a non "shared"
> instance. It would acquire the mutex and cast away "shared" inside the
> block/scope, at the end of the scope it would cast shared back and
> release the mutex.
> (*) for those rare cases where a single int or other basic type is all
> that is shared we can provide a wrapper struct which is declared as
> "shared".
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