hashed array?

Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.olsh at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 08:27:51 PST 2012

11/12/2012 6:43 PM, monarch_dodra пишет:
> D has a built in hashed associative container, which is great.

No. The literals are nice though.

> I've noticed though it has no built-in "hashed container" for when you
> just need to store unique elements, but without any specific data
> associated (lists of names, for example).

There is no need for built-in containers. If anything there is plan to 
move hash out of built-ins. The fact that it utterly failed to happen 
doesn't prove anything as it still has to be the library type.

> Has anybody requested this before? Would there be any plans for it?

> ----
> The current "workaround" is to just dummy it.
> alias bool Dummy;
> Dummy[string] names;
> names["Paul"] = true; //Ew.

Make a wrapper?

> But it is not very obvious what is going on. I also tried "void"ing it, eg:
> void[string] names;
> But that doesn't work either: Error: can't have associative array of void.
> ----
> What would you think of introducing a built-in hashed container, that
> contains only keys?

Infinitely awful.

> We could call them "HA" for Hashed Array, and declare them with this
> simple syntax:

Or rather call them sets and have them in the library.

Dmitry Olshansky

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