Undefined identifier WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA
Martin Drašar
drasar at ics.muni.cz
Tue Nov 13 14:52:42 PST 2012
Dne 13.11.2012 17:44, Regan Heath napsal(a):
> I suspect the reason you only see the deprecation message with rdmd is
> the import of "std.cpuid" in the above. So, I believe that is one
> mystery solved but the main problem still isn't a problem on my machine
> for some reason.
Good... one down, one left.
> Does your dmd2\src\druntime\import\core\sys\windows\windows.d file have
> a definition of WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA on line 448?
Yup, it is there.
DWORD dwFileAttributes;
FILETIME ftCreationTime;
FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
DWORD nFileSizeLow;
The most annoying thing is that when you look at the std.file source,
you see that 'public import core.sys.windows.windows' and if you click
on 'Go to definition' in Visual studio it takes you right to windows.d
file with that WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA struct defined...
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