[RFC] A huge problem with Github diff

Thomas Koch thomas at koch.ro
Wed Nov 14 23:35:06 PST 2012

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 11/14/12 12:36 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
>> On 11/14/12, Alex Rønne Petersen<alex at lycus.org>  wrote:
>>> Or we could switch to Phabricator for our entire review process which
>>> has an absolutely awesome side-by-side diff and is generally a fantastic
>>> tool for distributed-style software projects.
>>> See my email to dmd-internals:
>>> http://lists.puremagic.com/pipermail/dmd-internals/2012-
>> I don't see what's awesome about it
> Everything? :o)

Yes, from the featurelist Phabricator looks pretty awesome. And I'm 
suffering again about an interesting piece of software written in the 
language of my nightmares: PHP

Of course that's only my personal windmill I'm fighting. I just wanted to 
mention Gerrit Code Review: 

I'm in the process of packaging Gerrit for Debian, but this won't be ready 
before 2013. You can of course install Gerrit with upstreams .war file.

Regards, Thomas Koch

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