Binary compatibility on Linux

Russel Winder russel at
Thu Nov 15 11:46:54 PST 2012

[[I suspect this is getting way off-topic for this list, so if
instructed to take it elsewhere will be happy to do so as long as
elsewhere is defined.]]

On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 17:52 +0100, Thomas Koch wrote:
> The "website" is a wiki site edited by many people over a longer time 
> period. If you found points you disagree with I'd love to see a comment 
> added.

"Please don't use SCons: we will have to re-implement many standard
features of autoconf/automake, including DESTDIR, out of tree builds,
cleaning and more."

This just shows that the Debian system is so rooted in Autoconf/Automake
that the mindset is to oppose anything that isn't.  SCons supports out
of tree builds far better than Autoconf/Automake.  SCons supports
cleaning far better than Autoconf/Automake, just differently. What is
this "more"? Why is DESTDIR so important? SCons has good ways of doing
installation, just differently.

The problem here is that Debian gives no guidance to people who want to
use SCons how to write their SCons builds to be harmonious with the
Debian way of doing things. Instead the Debian system says "we are
Autoconf/Autotools, so don't use SCons". 

"Using waf as build system is discouraged. One of the reasons is the
recommendation to ship a waf executable in every single package using
it, instead of using a system wide one. Also note that just shipping the
waf executable (which contains a binary blob) is considered to be not
complient with the Debian Free Software guidelines by the FTP Team.
Please see #645190 and UnpackWaf for more details on the issue and how
to avoid it, if you have to use waf."

It is true that Thomas pushes the "carry the build system with the
project" line. In fact Gradle has done something along these lines as
well. Indeed SCons supports this way of working. In a global context, it
is a very good idea, even if it is conflict with the Debian way of
working.  But like SCons, Waf works very well with an installed Waf, the
project supplied Waf can be ignored.  The Waf executable is not a binary
blob really, it is just an encoded source distribution which has to be
decoded. If the people had investigated properly this comment would just
not have been made. Actually the comments on the indicated issue explain
this very clearly.  Sadly other comments wilfully misrepresent the
status quo.

> I for example don't know either SCons or Waf. Maybe the information in our 
> UpstreamGuide is not up to date anymore.

To be honest, the comments never were reasonable, they were founded on
prejudice and lack of research.  If the instructions were "We like
Autotools/Automake and are not prepared to work with anything else." it
would be more acceptable as being opinionated, honest, and a statement
to people how Debian worked. This would be far more acceptable/better
than the FUD that is there.

> Have you found more issues with the text? It would be interesting for us to 
> listen to the opinions of non-debian members.

I am a Debian Unstable user and fan. I hate Autotools/Automake.
Therefore I do not get involved in building packages for Debian, I am
just a freeloading user, total fretard ;-) I have though been known to
build packages and put them in my own repository. I'm sometimes selfish
like that :-) 

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.winder at
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: russel at
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder
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