A simple question
Rob T
rob at ucora.com
Thu Nov 15 19:32:03 PST 2012
On Friday, 16 November 2012 at 02:55:54 UTC, Stugol wrote:
> Also, I'm having difficulty specifying a default specialisation
> for a template class:
> class Event(TEventArgs : EventArgs = EventArgs) {
> }
> Usage:
> Event!() e1; // Works
> Event e2; // Won't compile
> How can I have "Event" be an alias for "Event!EventArgs"?
I encountered this same "wtf???" today. Apparently, even with a
default type specified, you still have to put in a !(). I don't
know what the reasoning was behind making this seeming redundancy
a requirement, and it partially defeats the purpose of the
default. IN my case I wanted the default type to be selected when
left unspecified, but also to get rid of the !() requirement for
a more natural appearance. I was planning on asking about this in
the forums later.
In any case, a simple work-a-round solution is to create an
alias, for example:
alias Event!() Event_t;
// you may substitute "Event_t" with whatever type name you want
Event_t e2; // Will compile!
BTW, I come from a C++ background, and I found that certain parts
of D were more difficult to learn perhaps because of my C++
background. I think this may be because I expected things like
modules to work like .h files, but they don't, or I expected copy
and move semantics to work the same way in D but they don't, or I
expected structs and classes to be similar to what C++ provides,
but they are in fact very different in terms of how they operate.
The GC is another matter to get used to. The worse of it is a
lack of detailed documentation. The very best thing you can do,
is get a copy of "The D Programming Language", there's also an
on-line tutorial e-book, translated from Turkish into English
over here http://ddili.org/ders/d.en/index.html but it is not yet
fully translated.
Good luck, and have some patience, you'll need it.
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