split dmd frontend into separate project

Thomas Koch thomas at koch.ro
Sun Nov 18 23:24:06 PST 2012


while browsing the sources of gdc, ldc and dmd I noticed that gdc and ldc 
both include the verbatim frontend source code from dmd.

Wouldn't it make sense to split the free dmd frontend into a standalone 
project that could then easier be referenced also by gdc and ldc?

I'm also asking because I was surprised that debian also contains (a very 
old version of) ldc[1]. If one day we'd have proper d packages in Debian, it 
would surely be nice to have only one d frontend package instead of three 
times the same source code in different packages.

[1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/l/ldc.html

Regards, Thomas Koch

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