Multidimensional array operator overloading
Gor Gyolchanyan
gor.f.gyolchanyan at
Mon Nov 19 13:03:29 PST 2012
I think it would be better to make the slice syntax (a..b) a type of its
own. the foreach could use that type as an aggregate and opSlice (and
friends) would be replaced with an opIndex, which takes a slice. This would
also allow one to construct slices of user-defined types (e.g. integers of
specific ranges) and different type wrappers to allow overloading. To go
one step further, it would be nicer to have the double dot, (which is
currently magical syntax for slices) become a legitimate overloadable
binary operator. I think we could do much more interesting things, then
merely multidimensional slices with a slice operator.
On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Mike Wey <mike-wey at> wrote:
> On 11/19/2012 07:04 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
>> I'm experimenting with implementing "true" multidimensional arrays in D.
>> It's actually very nice, compared with the hassle of memory management
>> in C/C++, and it even lets you give opIndex multiple parameters so that
>> you can write things like arr[1,2] instead of the uglier arr[1][2] (or
>> worse, arr[2][1]).
>> Two questions, though:
>> 1) Is multidimensional slicing supported? I.e., does opSlice support
>> notation like arr[1..2, 2..3]?
> This is currently not supported. Would be nice to have tough.
> 2) Is opDollar supported for multidimensional arrays? I.e., when you
>> write arr[1..$, 2..$], the $ in each dimension can potentially be
>> different values (say you have a 2x3 array, so the first $ is 2, and the
>> second $ is 3)?
> size_t opDollar(int dim)()
> {
> }
> Where dim is the dimension in witch the $ is being used.
> D will totally rock if these features are supported.
>> T
> --
> Mike Wey
Gor Gyolchanyan.
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