Is there interest in a std.http?

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Mon Nov 19 16:29:01 PST 2012

On Monday, 19 November 2012 at 23:57:35 UTC, Tyler Jameson Little 
> Awesome. I assume this hasn't gone through rigorous testing, 
> but has it been used in production?

I've been using it for almost all my work apps for the last... I 
think three years now. None of them so far have huge userbases, 
but it has been in steady use for a while.

The others in this thread have pointed out the other options that 
have some users: Vladimir's library that runs the forum, and 
vibe.d that seems to be the most popular. I haven't used either 
of them though.

> How do you feel about function pointer callbacks?

We could also do them as virtual functions... that's a little 
easier in the setup I have because the constructor arguments are 
messy, whereas subclassing is a lot simpler.

But yeah, it sounds like a decent plan.

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